
在线 education offers you 的 opportunity to study whenever it fits into your life—whe的r that’s at 5 am before 的 kids wake up, on your lunch hour, or for a few hours at 晚上. 在线 education allows you to fit education into your life instead of re-organizing your life around education.

我们提供 许多 online degree programs that are available completely online that are designed to seamlessly transfer to a 4-year degree. 我们的100多个 荣誉 classes are available online也.


  1. Enroll in your online class during 的 registration period through your My十大菠菜 账户.
  2. 测试访问权限 to 的 黑板上 class management system. If you’re reasonably comfortable online, you should have no trouble with 黑板上. It’s 的 class management system that you’ll use to watch video lectures, submit assignments, take tests, and more.
  3. While you’re in 黑板上, click on 的 My Courses panel and select 的 在线 Prep Site to see what books or o的r materials you need. 你 also can find your required books and materials by checking 的 课程表.
  4. If you’ll use financial aid to pay for your books, authorize a financial aid transfer to “巴恩斯的 & 高贵的书店. 为此,请登录 My十大菠菜 and click on 的  Financial Aid tab › Bookstore Information › Barnes & 高贵的转移 授权.
  5. Order your books and any o的r materials through 的 Barnes & 高贵的书店. 你 can order online, by phone, or at 的 on-campus store.
  6. 支付学费 截止日期前.

Computer requirements and skills

你 can access your classes and course information at any time, as long as you have a Windows PC or equivalent Mac computer with a high-speed internet connection, such as a DSL or cable connection.

Minimum Hardware Requirements

  • 麦金塔OS X (10.12 or higher) or Windows PC (7 or higher)
  • 4gb内存(8GB RAM or more is highly recommended)
  • 20GB of available hard-drive space
  • Screen resolution set to 1280x1024
  • Broadband/high-speed uninterrupted Internet access; minimum speed of 2 Mbps download, 750 Kbps upload
  • Webcam, microphone and speakers (a wearable headset is highly recommended)

How to check your computer specifications


它是 极其重要的 你使用a 支持的浏览器 when taking classes online so that all course content and 的 course tools display properly and to avoid usability errors related to browser configurations. 为 best experience, please ensure that you have 的 latest versions of:

  • 谷歌Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer and Apple Safari may also be used with an understanding that you may experience unexpected challenges.

请注意请确认一下 弹出窗口拦截器 is disabled in all browsers

System Requirements for Additional 在线 Tools

你r instructors may elect to use a number of additional software services within your courses for online delivery. Please refer to 的 system requirements below for each of 的 services your instructors require you to access within your courses:

请注意: 它是 important that you look at your instructor’s syllabus to see if 的re are 3rd party resources that 的 course may use that may have its own technical requirements.

谷歌Chromebook and Mobile User

The College is making every effort to make course as mobile compliant as possible. 你r 谷歌Chromebook and/or tablet such as an iPad will most likely work well for 大多数的工作. However, based on 的 technical specifications of your course, you may experience some challenges without a Windows or Mac computer.

To participate successfully in an online or blended class, you should be able to:

  • Perform basic word processing.
  • Use a web browser to visit websites and print web documents.
  • Use email to send and receive messages, reply to messages, cut and paste text between messages, open attachments, and attach files to messages.
  • If your computer skills aren’t at 的 level needed, 十大菠菜 offers non-credit classes where you can get up to speed on everything from word processing to using 的 web.

在线 class grievance procedure

We are committed to resolving concerns and complaints in a timely, fair, and amicable 的方式. If you ever have a problem with an online class at 十大菠菜, review your Student Rights and Responsibilities described in 的 Board of Trustees Policy 4095 . For questions or concerns regarding your Student Rights and Responsibilities, contact 的 教务长 .

If you reside outside of Michigan while taking a 十大菠菜 online class and are unable to resolve any issue by contacting 的 教务长, you may contact 的 appropriate 你所在州的办公室. That information is provided in 的 国家办事处名单 . For additional assistance, you may contact our accrediting agency, 的 Higher 学习ing Commission .

Additional information is available for 州外学生.
